Tuesday 1 July 2008

My new shirt :)

Radiohead shirt...something told me that between the others I should choose this one with those lyrics.
Note for the english mother tongue: " No matter how it ends, no matter how it start"... ; My question: should be how it start(s)...with the "s"? ....I know I know He is a Poet.. :)


cristina said...

molto carina questa maglietta nuova, e poi che qualità! Posta anche la composizione ;)

Anonymous said...

I think it's about more than just poetic licence. Your brain reads the message quite smoothly, even though letters are missing and spaces are where they shouldn't be, right up to the last word, when you really "hear" that it's wrong. So you're forced back to the message. Would we be forced back so strongly if it had been "No matter how it starts, no matter how it end"? Christine

C5 said...

Ciao Christine!!!
I didn't think about that!! You're right!! ...Communication strategy... it will help for the future. Grazie. Spero stia bene. C5!

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